Saturday, December 5, 2015

Random Thoughts

     Sometimes things feel relatively complex - love, life, family, all things I absolutely love. Some aspects of my work as well. But it all feels so complicated. I used to be able to compartmentalize everything, but lines have been so blurry. Sometimes I feel like I can't handle what's on my plate, but then I think of my family, my wife, kids, parents, and siblings. I think of why I'm doing what I do, and it gives me the strength to continue. I am dealing with a lot, being a minority in the South, being different than most people, dealing with anxiety, manic depressive bipolar disorder. My wife helps me through a lot of that. She is my rock, the person who keeps me centered. I don't know what I'd do without her.

     In every aspect, I should love my life. I have a great family, a house, I make a decent living. But I can't help but think I am failing. I believe it is because I can't do what I want to do; I am working on it, and this blog helps with quite a bit, but it is tough. I have written a lot out of my manic side; this is more about my depressive side. I am trying to sort things out, and am unable to understand my own mind. I have a passion for Anthropology, but I also feel ill equipped for anything I plan on doing. I need help, and my family tries to help but it is a battle I feel I have to fight alone, and it is discouraging.

   I don't know why I am writing this, but I felt like I needed this to get out. On the plus side, things are somewhat looking up, I am getting more comfortable with my moods, am slowly but surely being myself. With the support of my friends and family I feel like I can take this on.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Is Atheism The New Gay?

     I find it interesting that recently, a teenager was kicked from her home for not believing in a deity (One here, another here), and given the relative rise of acceptance of homosexuals by family members, I am trying to understand what is so revolting to those parents that they cannot bear the sight of their children, forcing them to live a life ostracized from what they know.  What makes belief in a deity a requirement to love your child? In the past, investigators have gone into "Christian boot camps" to investigate abuse (Example). While so many are about homosexuality, they are dwindling in numbers, with states banning sexual conversion therapy, I can't help but wonder if such camps exist for atheist children and teenagers.

     In Kidnapped for Christ, we see children and teenagers sent against their will in training camps where they are put back on the straight and narrow, their crime? Being different. Most were homosexual teenagers whose parents were horrified by their same sex attraction. We see it in the media today even, with the Kim Davis (or Can't do her job, whichever name you want to call her) controversy and her ever dwindling support from the majority of the population. The same people who are persecuting those who are different are playing the victim. How in the hell can't people see through that? In spite of the media rush, we see a rise in acceptance of the LGBTQ community. But what about Atheists?

     Well, according to recent polls, Atheists are still less trusted than child molesters. Yup, you read that right! as a matter of fact, we are the least trusted group in America (link here). But why the stigma? Simply because we don't believe in a deity? Are we considered immoral? Jaclyn Glenn posted an experiment on Youtube where she accepted donation for a Methodist organization, where plenty of people donated a dollar or two, and the next time, she collected for an atheist organization, where she was questioned on her motives and the few who donated were atheists and donated in the double digits. We are a generous moral bunch, but are somehow less trusted than child molester Josh Duggar. Stop America, you need to think, why are we treated with such disdain?

    I agree with the idea that Americans, and people in general, hate us because, much like the LGBT community, they are afraid they might be like us. Or even like us, because they are so insecure in their beliefs (sexuality for the homophobia) that they decide to hide behind hat, a seething pile of anger towards those who are different. It could also be because they are not taught to love, but rather to despise, and that, friends, is why religion is a danger to society in general. The very few who actually give two shits about other human beings tend to have been that way before they got religious. Let's face it, we own the moral high ground. I will conclude with a video from my favorite speech on reason, specifically about the idea of morality, it is Adam Savage at the reason rally:

Friday, September 4, 2015

Religious Freedom

    In the US, there seems to be some confusion about religious freedom as granted by the Constitution. Let me clarify some of what is not protected, not doing your job as a public official ; if your religion prevents you from performing your job, find another one which is more accommodating- Hate speech, if you want to spread that hate, go somewhere else- repercussions from civilian pushback, all too often you think private citizens are not allowed to disagree with you because religion... you're absolutely wrong, it prevents the government from interfering, unless you are interfering with the government (looking at you Kim Davis). Anyways... this is a quick jab at Ms Davis' supporters, I may be slightly inebriated, but I'm right!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Anti Intellectual Epidemic

     Now I understand that not everybody has the mental capacity to understand everything, I don't, but I at least try, and defer to those smarter than me in the subjects I lack knowledge in. I am only the authority in speaking for me, I pride myself in attempting to know as much as possible about as much as possible, but my human capacities do not allow me to know everything about everything, and that's okay. In today's society, we have cultivated a culture of ignorance, but I would add that it is willful. We spout words about things we do not understand, or have no data on, just to say them.

     I keep asking people who say they do not like the current President why they don't like him. It is absolutely depressing that the vast majority of them state that the economy is down (it is at a 10 year high), people lost their jobs (job creation hasn't been higher since the New Deal), and he is a Muslim (Worst.Muslim. Ever. as he eats pork, lights the White House Menorah, and, hell, gave the Iron Dome to Israel). People just follow talking points, not doing their research. When I point out the metrics, they fail to understand why I challenged their beliefs. Now, don't get me wrong, there is plenty this President has done wrong, but nothing huge, worthy of calling him the worst president in history (ummm worse than Nixon? than Grant?) whatever, man.

     Another pet peeve of mine, and I have been writing about this, is the absolute hatred some people have for higher education. If one gets a degree from a legitimate university, they are evil, and indoctrination centers for liberals. Facts do have a liberal bias, simple as that. I find it absolutely hilarious that those same people who criticize universities also tell people they should get a higher education to get a better job. Where, if not at a legitimate University?

     This is one of the few countries in the world where Evolution is being debated, The US is ranked 29th in the world, compared to our neighbor in the North, Canada being 10th. In 2014, the United States ranked 70th out of 132 nations in healthcare. 70th! But American Exceptionalism tells us we're number 1! No, let's get educated, raise these horrible metrics and become who we claim to be.

Friday, August 28, 2015

A Taboo on Love?

     With the recent scandals with the Ashley Madison Website, it is hard not to see that society is somewhat biased in favor of strict monogamous heterosexual relationships. While I disagree with cheating, mainly because of deceit, I can't help but think that some people are wired differently. Simply put, it is possible to love more than one person, and, in my opinion, it is very much a viable option, so long as all partners are aware of what's going on. If a couple loves a third person, what's the harm? Society is absolutely instructing our children that it is not ok to love more than one person, unless, of course, that person is gawd!

     Polyamory (polyphilia, multiamory, if you prefer) aside, society also apparently has not fully accepted same sex unions as something to enjoy having. Let me state this: It is as enjoyable as a heterosexual union. What's not to like about people who love each other so much, they commit to remain together until the end of their lives? If you disagree with this, that is your right, a right to be wrong. History will mark these as a second civil rights movement.

     America seems so hellbent on granting personhood to cold entities, such as corporations, and increasing firearm sales, that it lost its touch on the things that matter: intelligence, love, respect, reciprocity, I could go on, but the point is, in my opinion at least, society is immoral. It respects killing, dropping bombs etc... but it does not respect natural ways in which humans engage in consenting relationships.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

WTF Josh Feuerstein

    So this Facebook preacher: Josh Feuerstein. is an absolute moron... Not because of his beliefs, that's whatever, but rather because of his archaic views on gender identity. The man threw a hissy fit over the news story of a dad who let his son buy a *gasp* Barbie Doll! Someone call the police! this man is guilty of child abuse... because being a good father is child abuse apparently.
    But hold o, the story gets better and better. Because his way of counterattacking is to show that he teaches his kids how to use a gender neutral *toy* (his words, not mine), a gun. Because America, and Jesus, and Guns, and Freedom. Although I'm pretty sure not all of those apply. Keep in mind Feuerstein is now famous for stating that his 1st Amendment Rights are protected by the second, as a response to the Supreme Court protecting same sex marriage. Yes, allowing others to have rights is terrible, and you should bring a semi automatic gun... Way to preach dude!

Friday, August 21, 2015

On The Stupidity And Gullibility Of the Christian Right

     I have spent the last few hours reading various many Christian and Conservative news articles, and all I can say is that while the articles were vile, in and of themselves, the comments were what made me lose faith in humanity. Indeed, the vitriol directed those who dare to disagree with the "inerrant" Word of God are not only considered sinners, which, sure have at it hoss, it's your belief, but now considered a traitor to the country? We must have very different opinions of what qualifies as treason, and while mine may not be absolute, theirs is the worst kind, the very reason this nation was founded was to avoid a theocracy, not create a new one. We saw the results in Salem, and we are now worried about a new type of witch hunt. The Christian Taliban, a small, but vocal, and vital part of the Christian Right, is ignoring evidence of innocence for Planned Parenthood, they called for an investigation, but the results were not what they expected and now call foul play. They called foul play when the Supreme court upheld Marriage Equality, claiming "men in black robes" started an oligarchy, but applauded those same "men in black robes" when they upheld Citizens United, or the Hobby Lobby decision. But the key difference is that they agreed with those decisions. To them, Christianity is absolutely entwined with Corporatism, running churches like businesses, hell most churches are corporations, some turning massive profits. Of course, they oppose rights being granted to people who deviate from their standards, but applaud taking away the rights for women to obtain affordable birth control in both, the Planned Parenthood, and the Hobby Lobby cases.

     They also applaud Donald Trump for "telling it like it is" in a way which "resonates with the American People". They trust a man whose business ventures absolutely tanked, to be in charge of the Nation? They trust a man who has been married 4 times, each time divorcing his wife to obtain a younger woman, to uphold "traditional marriage" and "family values"? A man who looked at his own daughter and said, on the record, if she weren't his daughter he'd see himself dating her? Tell me he hasn't given that a thought, who thinks like that? No, Progressives and liberals are not the ones who are sheep, far from it. Conservatives, for the most part, respond to buzz words, Progressives respond to actual policies.

     Conservatives also believe that a "foul mouthed sinner", like John Oliver has no right to criticize good ole pastors, who prey on the needy, and the poor to enrich themselves. Pastors like Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and others. They are proven frauds, but they keep believing in their crap. T.D Jakes, who was recently praised by liberals because of his sermon, preaching that the Supreme Court isn't about deciding what's biblical, their role is to decide what's legal, and constitutional, is another one of those preachers who enrich themselves. If you don't complain about your own, you're condoning it. The reason those less than human pieces of trash get away with it is because they have many, many followers.

    Oh, but the hilarity and hypocrisy doesn't end there. A recent leak of Ashley Madison's - a website for those wanting to have discreet affairs - customer information shows one of the Christian Right's champions, Josh "Traditional Marriage Values" "Anti LGBT Because they destroy the sanctity of monogamous marriage" "Child Molester" Duggar, was cheating, or looking to cheat on his wife. And people are defending his sorry ass, what in the literal fuck people? If he wanted to have an extra marital affair fine, whatever, I am not judging, but if you try to push your bullshit on other people, and tell them it is wrong, or go so far as accusing another community of destroying families, or abusing children, make sure you don't do EXACTLY what you are "preaching" against! And the morons who are supporting him need to get a dose of fucking reality! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Unedited Honesty

As of late, some things have come to light which I have kept buried, I have gotten better at examining myself, and in doing so, my mind has never been clearer. We are all different, some are heterosexual, others are homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, some are monogamous, others are polyamorous. Who are we to judge others based on who we are? Who are we to decide what consenting adults can and cannot do? There is much hatred, and fear being propagated by people of different backgrounds. Why can't we accept those who are different than us? What threatens us so much that we feel we must prevent others from expressing themselves, from being themselves?

America has a taboo on love, and sexuality, while worshipping violence. This society ridicules intelligence and promotes ignorance. It is time to stop, stop hating, ostracizing, and making fun of people who are different. You don't like the vegan diet? Don't be a vegan. Aren't homosexual or bisexual? Don't have dates, or marry people of the same sex! Are monogamous? Don't date outside your marriage. If you can't follow these rules, fuck off! I have absolutely no time for this kind of bigotry.

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Secularism, Atheism, Agnosticism, and Discrimination

     I often get the question as to why I'm an atheist, and why I do not call myself Agnostic. The answer is a lot simpler than it seems. You see, Theism and Atheism address one question, the question of belief, Theism is the position of those who believe in a deity, Atheism is the lack of belief in a deity. When it comes to Gnosticism and Agnosticism, the gnostic position is one of knowledge, one who knows whether there is a deity, or one who knows there isn't one. Agnosticism is the position that one does not, or cannot know whether there is a deity, or not. 

     Secularism in its most common, and basic definition is the understanding that religion, or religious affiliation has no place in government, and that all religion -even lack thereof- need to be hel equally under the law. This does not mean that any religious group, or atheist group  can discriminateagainst any group, simply because they disagree with the other group's creed. If it did, it would be absolute and complete anarchy. I mean, Muslims would discriminate against Jews, Jews would discriminate against Christians, Christians would discriminate against atheists, atheists would discriminate against theists, and we would have a big fat mess on our hands as no one would actually tolerate each other. 

     And then, there is discrimination. A lot of Conservatives seem to believe that they can discriminate against any group they like (the flavor of the month seems to be LGBTQ) and not have to suffer the repercussions from the very values they claim to hold dear, such as the value of the free market. Indeed, it seems Conservatives have the right to discriminate against Muslims, Atheists, people in Polyamorous relationships, and gays without having to suffer from backlash from the community when they stop frquenting the guilty establishment. They can vote with their money, but people who disagree with them shouldn't be able to. This shows the typical martyr mentality religion tends to give people. "No, sir, I will not frequent your establishment because you support <insert minority> rights. But if you stop frequenting my establishment because I stand against those rights, you are making a martyr out of me, and you are persecuting me". No double standard there. The Religious Right is rapidly dwindling, and the generations which support it are dying. More and more people are fleeing churches because the core of what is being preached is actually in direct contradiction of the younger generation's values, and morality. A morality which, by the way, is greater than that of those who claim to have the higher moral ground. Every generation tends to redefine morality, eventually achieving a rather peaceful cohabitation between people who follow different creeds. Live and let live, disagree respectfully, and let people believe what they do. The opposition is actively trying to force its version of morality down everyone else's throat. and attempting to destroy any chance we have at peace, simply because they believe they have a divine right to do so.

     Churches are losing people, not because atheists are spreading the words of Hitchens, Dawkins, Harris, Hawking, Darwin, Krauss, and others, but because their values belong in the Bronze Age, and have no place in a civilized society. Religious values have had to change in the past to accomodate for the growing Civil Rights Movement to abolish Racial Segregation, yet seems to be unwilling to evolve in order to abolish sexual segregation, or even religious segregation. It is not about being smarter, or more knowledgeable than others, but rather about being more compassionate, and showing more empathy towards one another. Yelling at a dog simply because it is a dog doesn't make sense. Belittling a Mexican child because he isn't America is just as senseless, and cruel. Nobody asks to be who they are, they just are. Try to understand that, and try to live your life with more compassion, empathy, love, and understanding than what we see all over the World.

Monday, April 13, 2015

On The State of American World Leadership

     There are many in America who think that war is the only answer to certain issues, and that anyone who doesn't agree, whether they are an individual or a sovereign nation, is weak. Because America is know for its absolute Victories in War. Indeed,with the United States ever growing debt, and a Defense Budget (not including discretionary spending) making up 22% of the Nation's expenses, it is easy to see the rational behind the lack of willingness to go to war against the United States. 

     But what about the different issues one can take against the notion of a War Mongering American Empire, as is seen throughout the Globe? The United States, is the only Nation with Military bases on Foreign soil, including allies, such as Italy, England, and Germany? Why is there such a need to occupy other nations? The reason is simple, America, as a culture, wants to preserve its status as a World Leader, and due to its lack of competitivenes in metrics that actually matter, such as Healthcare (31st), Education (36th), Ignorance of World Affairs (2nd), and the list goes on, America has to feel empowered, and so it bullies its allies, and rivals alike. Regarding the the issue of Education, it is no wonder the US is trailing, with the absolute idiocy of Standardized tests, every year, and extreme low pay for teachers, couple with the fact that Texas sets the standards for books, and just accepted a history book mentioning Moses (yea, the Burning Bush guy) as a Founding Father. But that is a complaint for another day. Anyways, the United States try to remain a World Power, and it cannot do it with Smarts, or Innovation, it does it by bullying other nations, furthering its debts, and accelerating its downfall. 

     The second point I want to make is that the nations which are considered weaks, (including most of Europe) are those who have the most to lose, as they are close to the areas of conflict, unlike the potential aggressor, America, whose shores are thousands of miles away from conflict. It seems those who hae not seen a warzone in a long time (since the Civil War) are also those willing to start wars all over. Granted, the opposite is also true, that those who see war on the daily (I'm looking at you Israel) want the entire World involve in their silly conflict, and their constant warmongering lifestyle. It is no wonder that the two consider each other to be their closest allies. 

     Last, but not least, we can easily see the lack of foresight used in matters of overseas conflicts in the United States. Everyone, except, it seems, the politicians who send the troops overseas, can see that there is an enormous issue with the treatment of veterans in the United States. You may give your legs for your country, but that doesn't mean that your country will repay the debt it owes you, as veterans can almost forget about healthcare, with a log backed up for several years, and no funds sent to help those who fought for their country, it truly is a wonder why people still enlist, as it seems that once you've served your purpose, you are discarded, and trated like a moocher for wanting the basic commodities you sacrificed your health for.

     It is sad, because America has the potential to be a World Leader, but its population seems dead set against doing things a different way. From resisting Education Reform, to Healthcare Reform, and even going so far as to be willing to set the clocks back a few decades on Human Rights. America, you used to be beautiful, but it seems you are wanting to institute a neofeudal system, and it is goign to cause you to fall further down in the world rankings. You military might may be strong now, but will dwindle as you fall further and further into debt. Your population needs to understand how bad things are on a World Level, as you are further down in education than some 3rd World Nations, and the same for Healthcare. You are no longer a leader in Scientific, and Technological advances, you only lead in two things, Marketing, and Military. These are not the qualities of the Future, but of a dark past we have left behind several centuries ago.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Political Fuckery

     So, lately, there has been a lot of talk about the Israeli Prime Minister benjamin Netanyahu's speech in a joint session of Congress. I am about to pose a relatively unpopular opinion, especially considering my family's religious background. Benjamin Netanyahu is, undoubtedly, one of the mose arrogant, warlords in the world, right now. He is the sad byproduct of an age old religious conflict in the Middle-East. His points, are even contradicted by a leaked Mossad cable, stating that Iran is not processing enriched Uranium in a way by which they cold possibly make bombs. A lot of people applauded the Prime Minister's appearance in front of Congress, even as it was a breach of protocol, as the Speaker of The House, who invited him, did not communicate with the White House regarding the invitation. On this point, if President Obama had done as Mr. "I want to wage war against anybody who disagrees with me" Netanyahu did, there would not only be an uproar in Israel, but even here in the United States. Prime Minister Bomb everything, ask questions later, made another mistake in his appearance. He bit the hand that feeds him. Over $100 Billion in aids, and 30% of Israel's National defense Budget. The right wing fuckers who want to cut 100% of Foreign Aid, also refuse to cut funding to Israel. Their rebuttal? Well Israel has our back. Let me tell you one thing, Israel's got nobody's back but Israel. Much like Iran's got nobody's back but Iran. 
     Let's talk about nuclear weaponry, seeing as it is Netanyahu's main concern. Israel's possess between 80 and 400 nuclear warheads. Iran? 0. Israel is also one of the few countries who refused to sign the non proliferation act, a traty that even Iran has signed. We all heard of the evils of the Gaza Strip, how the Muslims in Gaza are killing jews Mercilessly. The Muslim walled Gaza Strip, let us remember is the Size of Los Angeles County. Israel fired warning shots inside the strip, bombing heavily habitated civilian areas, giving only 30 minute warning for more death and destruction. 
     Go ahead, love on Israel, keep telling people that Netanyahu is a million times the leader President Obama is, when Obama resolved several potential nuclear conflicts without resorting to military force. Mr Netanyahu know nothing outside of war. In his speech, he ever so eloquently spoke of the Holocaust, appealing to people's emotions regarding the tragic period in history where millions of his Jewish brothers and sisters were mercilessly executed. However, most people failed to see that he called for the same thing to happen to the Arabs. The leader of Israel wants war, but he does not want to fight this war, he wants a country who already provides for Israel to also fight his war for him, and commit atrocities so that his hands may be clean,
     Lastly, I will cite the military and geopolitical genius that is Mr. Netanyahu. In 2002, The Israeli Prime Minister advised that weakening Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq would have tremendous beneficial effects in the Middle East, and weaken Iran's grasp on the region. Mr. Netanyahu is also the person who nudged the idea of WMDs being held in Iraq. Oddly enough, after a decade of war, and the death of Saddam Hussein, the Middle East is in worse shape than before, and Iran's control of the region? It has only expanded. So please, Mr. and Mrs. I will follow Israel, and believe every piece of Israeli propaganda, and everything that goes my way I see on the Internet, go ahead and follow the absurdity that is Mr. Netanyahu. His complete lack of decorum, and laughably pathetic attempts at any kind of an appeal show how little of a man he is. Anyone who agrees with him, and his words is far less human than my dogs.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

The Misunderstanding of Knowledge

For most of people, knowlege is simply information memoried, but it seems too... restrictive in a sense. I havehad several discussions recently on what knowledge actually is, though not in so many words. It seems to me that it is closer to a quick analysis of facts, the use of deductive reasoning, and the methodical indexing of references and inferences, I find myself saying that the key to knowing things is to not adhere to a particular dogma, or concept, but to be open to most, and, through careful analysis of the subject matter, using deductive reasoning, coming to the most likely conclusion. Isn't it what we do on a daily basis? As we cross the road, performing complex math, while, not completely accurate, judging the speed of approaching cars, estimating the distance, and comparing it to our own speed, and the distance needed to travel? We make those decisions, and calculations in a fraction of a second, we do not overcomplicate it, though, we imply do it, with no more of a stressor than our own survival. 

This may just be the ramblings of my brain at 4 in the morning, as I am lying awake, thinking of a better way to understand who we are, and what we are doing. I have come to the conclusion that who we are is who we are making ourselves to be, nothing more. As to what we are doing, well, isn't that the biggest question of all? We are discovering ourselves, for all of us, discovering the facets of who we are, each passing year, each passing day, getting deeper in the discovery of our true self, adding layers of complexity, and removing others. Our goal in life is merely to survive, experience the world, and ourselves, and pass as much of that knowledge to the next generation, who will achieve more, know more, clutter their brains less with raw data, and acquire a means to process data, not as raw memorized items, but as an understanding of how, and what it came to be.

Knowledge is simple, we can know everything there is to know by simply understanding the world around us, and how to get this information. That is why education is important, it is a means for us to understand how the world around us functions, it is not meant, as most people will try to get by, as a raw parrotting of meaningless data, cluttering our brains with information which does not allow us to analyze, but rather to mindlessly follow someone. Knowledge, friends, is simply understanding, and analying, the ability to process information without actually having to memorize all of it, simply memorizing the means to get to the conclusion itself.