Friday, August 28, 2015

A Taboo on Love?

     With the recent scandals with the Ashley Madison Website, it is hard not to see that society is somewhat biased in favor of strict monogamous heterosexual relationships. While I disagree with cheating, mainly because of deceit, I can't help but think that some people are wired differently. Simply put, it is possible to love more than one person, and, in my opinion, it is very much a viable option, so long as all partners are aware of what's going on. If a couple loves a third person, what's the harm? Society is absolutely instructing our children that it is not ok to love more than one person, unless, of course, that person is gawd!

     Polyamory (polyphilia, multiamory, if you prefer) aside, society also apparently has not fully accepted same sex unions as something to enjoy having. Let me state this: It is as enjoyable as a heterosexual union. What's not to like about people who love each other so much, they commit to remain together until the end of their lives? If you disagree with this, that is your right, a right to be wrong. History will mark these as a second civil rights movement.

     America seems so hellbent on granting personhood to cold entities, such as corporations, and increasing firearm sales, that it lost its touch on the things that matter: intelligence, love, respect, reciprocity, I could go on, but the point is, in my opinion at least, society is immoral. It respects killing, dropping bombs etc... but it does not respect natural ways in which humans engage in consenting relationships.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

WTF Josh Feuerstein

    So this Facebook preacher: Josh Feuerstein. is an absolute moron... Not because of his beliefs, that's whatever, but rather because of his archaic views on gender identity. The man threw a hissy fit over the news story of a dad who let his son buy a *gasp* Barbie Doll! Someone call the police! this man is guilty of child abuse... because being a good father is child abuse apparently.
    But hold o, the story gets better and better. Because his way of counterattacking is to show that he teaches his kids how to use a gender neutral *toy* (his words, not mine), a gun. Because America, and Jesus, and Guns, and Freedom. Although I'm pretty sure not all of those apply. Keep in mind Feuerstein is now famous for stating that his 1st Amendment Rights are protected by the second, as a response to the Supreme Court protecting same sex marriage. Yes, allowing others to have rights is terrible, and you should bring a semi automatic gun... Way to preach dude!

Friday, August 21, 2015

On The Stupidity And Gullibility Of the Christian Right

     I have spent the last few hours reading various many Christian and Conservative news articles, and all I can say is that while the articles were vile, in and of themselves, the comments were what made me lose faith in humanity. Indeed, the vitriol directed those who dare to disagree with the "inerrant" Word of God are not only considered sinners, which, sure have at it hoss, it's your belief, but now considered a traitor to the country? We must have very different opinions of what qualifies as treason, and while mine may not be absolute, theirs is the worst kind, the very reason this nation was founded was to avoid a theocracy, not create a new one. We saw the results in Salem, and we are now worried about a new type of witch hunt. The Christian Taliban, a small, but vocal, and vital part of the Christian Right, is ignoring evidence of innocence for Planned Parenthood, they called for an investigation, but the results were not what they expected and now call foul play. They called foul play when the Supreme court upheld Marriage Equality, claiming "men in black robes" started an oligarchy, but applauded those same "men in black robes" when they upheld Citizens United, or the Hobby Lobby decision. But the key difference is that they agreed with those decisions. To them, Christianity is absolutely entwined with Corporatism, running churches like businesses, hell most churches are corporations, some turning massive profits. Of course, they oppose rights being granted to people who deviate from their standards, but applaud taking away the rights for women to obtain affordable birth control in both, the Planned Parenthood, and the Hobby Lobby cases.

     They also applaud Donald Trump for "telling it like it is" in a way which "resonates with the American People". They trust a man whose business ventures absolutely tanked, to be in charge of the Nation? They trust a man who has been married 4 times, each time divorcing his wife to obtain a younger woman, to uphold "traditional marriage" and "family values"? A man who looked at his own daughter and said, on the record, if she weren't his daughter he'd see himself dating her? Tell me he hasn't given that a thought, who thinks like that? No, Progressives and liberals are not the ones who are sheep, far from it. Conservatives, for the most part, respond to buzz words, Progressives respond to actual policies.

     Conservatives also believe that a "foul mouthed sinner", like John Oliver has no right to criticize good ole pastors, who prey on the needy, and the poor to enrich themselves. Pastors like Creflo Dollar, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, and others. They are proven frauds, but they keep believing in their crap. T.D Jakes, who was recently praised by liberals because of his sermon, preaching that the Supreme Court isn't about deciding what's biblical, their role is to decide what's legal, and constitutional, is another one of those preachers who enrich themselves. If you don't complain about your own, you're condoning it. The reason those less than human pieces of trash get away with it is because they have many, many followers.

    Oh, but the hilarity and hypocrisy doesn't end there. A recent leak of Ashley Madison's - a website for those wanting to have discreet affairs - customer information shows one of the Christian Right's champions, Josh "Traditional Marriage Values" "Anti LGBT Because they destroy the sanctity of monogamous marriage" "Child Molester" Duggar, was cheating, or looking to cheat on his wife. And people are defending his sorry ass, what in the literal fuck people? If he wanted to have an extra marital affair fine, whatever, I am not judging, but if you try to push your bullshit on other people, and tell them it is wrong, or go so far as accusing another community of destroying families, or abusing children, make sure you don't do EXACTLY what you are "preaching" against! And the morons who are supporting him need to get a dose of fucking reality! 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Unedited Honesty

As of late, some things have come to light which I have kept buried, I have gotten better at examining myself, and in doing so, my mind has never been clearer. We are all different, some are heterosexual, others are homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, some are monogamous, others are polyamorous. Who are we to judge others based on who we are? Who are we to decide what consenting adults can and cannot do? There is much hatred, and fear being propagated by people of different backgrounds. Why can't we accept those who are different than us? What threatens us so much that we feel we must prevent others from expressing themselves, from being themselves?

America has a taboo on love, and sexuality, while worshipping violence. This society ridicules intelligence and promotes ignorance. It is time to stop, stop hating, ostracizing, and making fun of people who are different. You don't like the vegan diet? Don't be a vegan. Aren't homosexual or bisexual? Don't have dates, or marry people of the same sex! Are monogamous? Don't date outside your marriage. If you can't follow these rules, fuck off! I have absolutely no time for this kind of bigotry.