Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Unedited Honesty

As of late, some things have come to light which I have kept buried, I have gotten better at examining myself, and in doing so, my mind has never been clearer. We are all different, some are heterosexual, others are homosexual, bisexual, pansexual, asexual, some are monogamous, others are polyamorous. Who are we to judge others based on who we are? Who are we to decide what consenting adults can and cannot do? There is much hatred, and fear being propagated by people of different backgrounds. Why can't we accept those who are different than us? What threatens us so much that we feel we must prevent others from expressing themselves, from being themselves?

America has a taboo on love, and sexuality, while worshipping violence. This society ridicules intelligence and promotes ignorance. It is time to stop, stop hating, ostracizing, and making fun of people who are different. You don't like the vegan diet? Don't be a vegan. Aren't homosexual or bisexual? Don't have dates, or marry people of the same sex! Are monogamous? Don't date outside your marriage. If you can't follow these rules, fuck off! I have absolutely no time for this kind of bigotry.

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