Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Rude Awakening

     I love my friends and family, I really do, but sometimes I can't help but think of how some see things. It is really disheartening to see such smart people believe in something so... deranged. Of course I remind myself that I used to believe in such fairy tales. I spend a great amount of time reading up on theist literature, watching theists’ videos, and then realizing that people really do believe that a creator is responsible for our existence and that this creator is male, of course. This belief is strange to me now that I analyze it from the outside looking in: that such a character exists who would condemn me for all eternity if I do not believe in him, not only without evidence, but also in spite of the evidence against him, is simply preposterous. I see people who possess a very analytical, critical, and scientific mind apply their inquisitive nature towards everything else but the state of their beliefs; the one person who took my challenge happened to have traded her faith with knowledge and reason - of course I am talking about my wife. 
     Words cannot describe the distress I feel whenever people make condemning statements about themselves in the name of humility and righteousness compared to a "perfect" being that condones rape, slavery, and overall ignorance, as well as being restrictive of the inquisitive nature of his own creation. I must question the reasons for such deliberate self-loathing. Why is it considered healthy to condemn yourself in a religious context? Why is it ok to call yourself a worthless being undeserving of a life of happiness? How come this deity sounds as petty and human as those of ancient Greece? Could it be because Bronze Age cultures projected their own fears and biases on the deity they created? Could it be because the very nature of our creator is human as we do not worship anything but ourselves? 

     Also, what is it with public displays of religious behaviors such as prayer? Isn't that in direct contradiction of Jesus' teachings (Matthew 6:6)? If Jesus is in fact God, and what he says is absolute Law, I question the motives of Christians who post publically their prayers on a forum, or even worse, demand that their religious type of wish making be made official in the eyes of the Government by declaring official days of prayer! I propose that it is in fact to boost their own egos and to try and keep the majority of people in the dark and afflicted by the shallowness of their beliefs. I find it amazing that MOST Christians I have talked to refuse to get their news from anywhere other than their beloved conservative religious news source. They refuse to hear the other side of the story, whereas, in the skeptic community, MOST watch several different liberal and conservative programs, though admittedly in order to learn about what the opposition thinks and to address the insane amount of bias on either side of the spectrum.

      In closing, I would like to expand on a quote from Steven Weinberg: 
  "Religion is an insult to human dignity. With or without it you would have good people doing good things and evil people doing evil things. But for good people to do evil things, that takes religion."
      It still amazes me that we are willing to deny people different rights according to our own religious bias, in America with Marriage Equality, as well as in the Middle East, where people are not even given the right to worship their own way because their Big Book Of Fairy Tales tells them that it should be the Law of the Land. Too long the skeptic community has held its tongue, too long have we been shackled by fear of judgment from our communities! It is time we fight back! They only have Tinkerbell on their side and we have Reason!

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

On Liberty

     On the eve of the celebration of the American Independence Day, I can't help but think of the innumerable violations of civil liberties still in play in the American Empire. From the obvious bias of politics in favor of the Christian Fairy Tale, to the hatred of people who dare to think and act different than what is considered the norm, ending in the imprisonment and condemnation of people for daring to inhale smoke produced by the burning of a plant. That's right friends, America is no longer in danger of becoming an oligarchy, it is one. Those in power may do whatever they please, while those who protest and uphold the Constitution - the supposed law of the Land- are imprisoned. It is a shame to see the prison statistics, considering most of the inmates lives' were ruined by the government's failure to uphold its own policies in favor of lobbyists.
     Friends, I know this is coming, and it may take a few generations, but anarchy is the way we need to be headed. I do not mean chaos, by any means, but the self regulation of communities through understanding and knowledge, wisdom and education. The days of human decency ruling the world will come, and that can only happen when we learn to not only tolerate those who are different, but to be happy to call them friends. I have had a friendly discussion with someone who thought very differently than I do, a very strong theist, and this discussion did not end in a debate or a screaming match; no, friends, it ended in mutual respect for each other's position without so much as a bad thought about each other. When people realize that gays, bisexuals, and other minorities or labeled groups are merely human beings, and only want to live their lives as best they can, the same as everybody else, that day we will have no need for religion, no need for government, no need for imposed regulations, as people will only need to think!

     The world needs only one law, one rule: compassion. Yes, I know this sounds touchy feely, but think about it. What war cannot be overcome by compassion? Fights over territories will be obsolete as no land will belong to any one government; differences of ideas will be met on paper and not on the battlefield, with the reasonable ones winning wars; fucking civil rights will be accorded to all members of society - women, children, gays, polyamorists, atheists, christians, mulims and jews alike. It is imperative for the people of the world to rise above the status quo and fight for what we know is right: Down with the oligarchs, strip them of their power, strip them of any so-called birth-rights. Give the people of the world a chance to govern themselves without prejudice. The day this is feasable may not be in my lifetime, or in my children's lifetime, but it will happen. Who will be a part of this revolutionary concept of true uninhibited freedom? Who will make a stand against the tyranny of governments and the implicit hatred of differences?