Wednesday, October 16, 2013

On the Originality of the Bible

     Well, it seems that the God of the Bible is the all creating, all knowing, original lawmaker. Or is He? Most modern Christians would agree that modern law is based on the 10 commandments, that is not accurate in and of itself, but what if there was something else predating the 10 commandments? Surely such a thing would not exist, especially not in Babylon, the land of immorality and everything Yahweh stands against. Guess again! Hammurabi's Code predates the Mosaic Law by a few centuries, in fact, most of the Laws proposed and imposed by Moses were flat out copies of Hammurabi's with a Judaic twist. So how original is the God of the Bible? Does He bring any original ideas? Let's see!

   Original sin is a novel idea and concept in the Bible, and according to most the reason for the coming of Jesus Christ, according to most scholars, the story of Genesis was written around the 7th Century BCE, whereas the story of Pandora ( a woman bringing about all the evils in the world) came around the same time. It is interesting to see who or what came first, but in both cases it was a woman who brought on a curse to mankind. Original? that's debatable.

     Then there is the story of the flood, being a blatant copy of the Epic of Gilgamesh, in which the hero saves all the animals surrounding the area from a Great Flood, by putting them in his boat, the tale was later greatly exaggerated by the accounts in Genesis. Again, borrowing elements of salvation from another myth. Tsk Tsk Yahweh.

   Lastly, the immaculate conception, the Greeks already had such a  story of a man Hero, son of Zeus through no natural means (a gold shower?), Heracles was born of a young woman, and saved many lives because of his superhuman strength/powers. Heracles went as far as to go to the Underworld in order to save Theseus, which is later reproduced by Jesus supposedly dying on the cross and spending 3 days in hell in order to save lost souls who were not given the opportunity to be saved prior to their death (according to common christian extrapolation of NT verses).

   So... Yea, a creative deity indeed. Or, like Loki, a trickster god trying to gain a following through misappropriation of myths, or even better and more plausible, a story meant to simply protect people from a hard cold reality which they were not ready to face due to lack of knowledge regarding their surroundings.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Regarding Christian Eschatology

So, I was in class today, "Anthropology of the Bible" and the discussion turned to the topic of eschatology. I never really thought of the different topics at hand in a discussion about end times. But it seems to me Christians tend to love the idea of the world coming to an end. Yet it's the bleeding liberals who are bringing upon that particular end to this Earthly Realm. Let me make one thing clear, if anything, Liberals and Progressives, unlike conservatives are trying to preserve our planet and the likelihood of life on it. This may seem like a complete ass backwards concepts to some people but here is my humble explanation, or pathetic attempt at explaining our point of view.

One of the main debates between progressives and conservatives is the issue of global warming. Now it is a fact that CO2 emissions cause a greenhouse effect on our planet. There seems to be a complete misunderstanding of the concept of "Global Warming". It does not mean that ALL temperatures in the WHOLE WORLD are on the rise. It means that the average temperature in the world rises. Some areas will see a decrease in temperature as the melted icecaps bring in a cold current towards the continents and eventually cause temperatures in those affected areas.

Secondly, the issue of abortion, now I disagree with abortions myself but I will not force my personal beliefs on others especially when it affects their life and not mine. Progressives aren't pro abortions, we are pro choice, there is a different, as a matter of fact, I read a few surveys showing that progressives and liberals are less likely to have abortions than conservatives.

Lastly, Progressives are immoral and are the cause of the downfall of civilization. Yeah, because Progressives are pro war, pro death penalty, and are threatening an armed uprising. Oh wait, that's Conservatives. Conservatives are in favor of Might makes Right, they are in favor of policing the World, regardless of what the conflict is, but rather to reshape the world in their own desolate image, a smoked out, top 1% rule world, they want a World Oligarchy, and the idea of a World government. Why do they want it? Because it has been said by a dude stoned out of his mind that it will bring them closer to an eternity in paradise with their less holy version of the Flying Spaghetti Monster and his meatballs.

Christians, especially in the United States need to understand that the supposed prophecies which are being fulfilled are so because they are willfully fulfilling them! They are actively participating in the advent of the world government, they are so full of themselves, of their so-called humility that they claim to have the only possible answer to a time old question, that of the meaning of life. Isn't there a simpler answer? That the meaning of life is simply to live? The idea that the rest of the world is out to destroy them is laughable at best, it is quite the other way around, They are here to destroy the world and prevent our descendants from living comfortable lives in the same ways that previous generations, through manipulations of the legislature screwed the current generations. The problem is, they are sheep following their leaders who know full well what they preach is bullshit and do not care about the future generations as they will not be here to deal with it.