Friday, August 23, 2013

The failures of Christianity

     This post is mainly a summary of some of the failures of Christianity in the face of Science and of morality in general, as well as upon itself.  Let's get right to it. First of all, according to the Christian doctrine, humans need redemption because of the story of the Fall of Man. The entire redemptive value offered by Jesus in his supposed sacrifice is meant to wash away our sins inherited from the first man and woman who allegedly walked this planet. The fact of evolution demonstrates that there is no signs of this "Fall" therefore making original sin an imaginary disease, commonly referred to as created to sell an imaginary cure (salvation). This is the primary reason why Creationists not only accept the literal interpretation of the Genesis account (though are fuzzy about the rest of their Holy Book for some reason) but also reject the scientific evidence for an evolutionary track which led to modern humans, even going so far as to doubt proven dating methods.

     While I find this disturbing, it is nothing compared to the historical facts of the story of the crucifixion. In the Roman law of the time depicted in the Gospels, this particularly harsh punishment was only given for revolutionaries and dissenters of the Roman Empire, not for Jewish criminals, or people found guilty under Jewish law, but only for people encouraging a revolt against the Roman Empire. This story leaves the whole narrative given by the gospels of Jesus being sold by the Sanhedrin rather impotent as the punishment would not match the crime (and as we all know, Romans were particularly famous for following the rule of Law).

     Furthermore, I would like to point out that Christianity fails to meet its own promises as Jesus stated that he would return and that the end of days would happen before the death of the disciples present before his demise... Last I checked they were all dead. Paul reiterates this promise and again fails to be met by the all knowing God of Creation. We can take a few things away from this example of blatant ignorance: 1) Jesus lied and therefore is not perfect and has sinned and is not God, 2) Jesus thought he would come back when his disciples were still alive and was wrong, and therefore was not an all knowing God, 3) The Bible is not so perfect after all, and is not the perfect word of a perfect Creator. We can also add that most of the doctrines of modern day Christianity come from the writings of Paul, who according to several scholars was considered a heretic by early Christians. Let us remember that Paul was a man who never met Jesus, yet told people that he had an encounter and was told by Jesus to reform the Law of the Old Testament. His letters were written long before the gospels which were supposed to be the basis of Christianity.

     Which leads me to my last point of the post: we have no originals from the Gospels, or any of the New Testament, and most of the Old Testament was originally given as oral tradition then written down for the literate masses. The New Testament, as we know it, was translated from documents which were copies of copies of copies of translations of copies of letters which were, you guessed it copied, most of which were contradictory and a group of men decided which parts were best representative of their faith as they say it centuries later. They are not historical facts, but mere opinions which were altered through miscommunication and an obvious personal agenda. Christianity is above all, the word of a few men interpreting the ideology they were taught by their culture at a time when only certain people were allowed to express their opinions. It is an obviously plagiarized combination of several Hellenistic myths all bundled with the ever so angry God of the Old Testament, probably in order to claim some kind of originality (even though Judaism has a lot of its myths plagiarized from older civilizations as well, see the Epic of Gilgamesh as a reference of the Flood, for example).

Monday, August 19, 2013

Evolution and False Assertions

     Well, it has been an interesting month, I do apologize for the late post, things have been somewhat crazy at work and at home. Anyways, let's dig right in to the subject matter at hand,  shall we? Some professional con men, as it is the preferable option to those content providers being humans with the IQ of a banana, have been posting videos of students interviewed about their knowledge of evolution. Now normally that would not have been a problem, though the editing put forth in the video betrays the dishonesty of its creator. Indeed, anyone can mine quote, or ask for such insanely stupid questions that the interviewee is dumbfounded by how little understanding their opponent has of reality. I am speaking, of course of Evolution vs God, the latest gem from the folks in Ray Comfort's ministry. Comfort goes so far as to interview professors of Evolutionary Biology and Anthropology, though only uses the footage of them being completely dumbfounded by the stupidity of the question Banana Man asked.
     After this mini rant,  I must respond to Comfort's assertions with one single statement: Scientists, be they Geneticists, Physicists, Anthropologists (and all than includes) have provided mountains of evidence regarding the BASIS of modern Biology, the issue is that Creationists keep moving the goal posts when it comes to the requirement for meeting the burden of proof. If you deny evolution, stop getting shots, as they are changing year after year due to the fact that viruses evolve. I am sick to my stomach when I talk to people who do not understand the basis of modern life sciences yet argue that their deity of choice is, in fact, real, and the proof lies in a contradiction plagued, bronze age book, which obviously plagiarizes older texts and legends. Furthermore, there is more and more evidence piling against a deity as it is defined by most theists in the God of the gaps arguments. To conclude this section, I would also like to point out that a THEORY as in the Theory of Evolution, is meant as a scientific theory, which is hypotheses confirmed by the evidence. It is NOT just some dude smoking a joint dreaming up that shit in his lab!

     Lastly, I want to answer the claim that atheism is Dogmatic and has to prove its stance. Simply put, Atheism is defined as a lack of belief, it does not claim knowledge that there is no god, it is the denial of the existence of a deity that has not met its burden of proof. Another way of stating this is to state that I am also an abigfootist, I don't believe bigfoot exists because of the serious lack of evidence, I am also an asupermanist, as the only evidence given for the existence of the Man of Steel from Krypton is found in books. Seriously, stop with the shifting of the burden of proof! Finally, and I thought this was common sense, DO NOT use the Bible in order to argue for the existence of your god! If you do so, I fully claim the right to use the Dungeons and Dragons Players Handbook to prove that Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, and Fairies exist (and they are a whole lot more interesting). No I don't believe in that stuff, but your argument is as silly as mine in this case.

Friday, August 2, 2013

Why I won't worship the christian deity, even if it were to exist

     Sorry about the lack of posts lately, it seems life caught up to me, leaving me no time to post anything.
     Today, I would like to post about the Christian deity, and why it is not worthy of worship. It is interesting to me how I ever believed in such a terrible being, but also agreed that it was worthy to be praised by its supposed creation. The God of Abraham, as he is described in the Bible seems to be a petty, vitriolic, arrogant bastard, his constant punishment of people whose hearts he has hardened also adds sadism to his list of attributes, I have compiled a list of biblical reasons why such a being, were it to exist, would only be worthy of ridicule and contempt.

1) From the beginning of the Bible, at the time of creation, God, who supposedly created the natural order seems to go completely against it during creation. The Genesis points out days existing when there is no sun. The omniscient deity also sets the moon as its own light (not as a reflection of the sunlight to earth).

2) The story of the "Creation of Humans" and "The Fall" lack a serious amount of logic, and are obviously geared to lower a woman's status in society. The creation is so full of crap, stating that Man was created first, in the image of God, and women were created as copies of Man. If this were true, how come men have nipples? How come the constant in chromosomes determining the sex of a fetus is the X chromosome, the female determinant? The God who created science obviously didn't know that, almost as if the illiterate goat herding tribe who created him didn't know. The story of the Fall of Man, is so illogical Mr. Spock would bitch slap its author to death. Seriously, mankind's crime is to have eaten from the fruit of the tree of knowledge, which is also known as the tree of knowledge of good and evil. If they didn't know the difference between good and evil, sin and righteousness, how can a just being punish billions with suffering simply because two idiots who didn't know any better committed a crime?

3) The obvious lack of historicity in the Old Testament is simply astonishing, there is no record of a 40 years track in the desert by a tribe leaving Egypt, on the contrary, archaeological records show Israelite buildings in Canaan long before they "conquered" the land, and evidence shows that it was, in fact a rebellion, not an invasion. Similar stories are debunked by the archaeological record  about David and Solomon's conquests placing the destruction of some cities generations after their deaths.

4) The lack of Justice in a petty god, as the Bible points out, the Christian God is unchanging, so he doesn't have a problem with killing 42 kids in a rather gruesome way for merely calling a prophet "Baldy"... I'm sure Elijah was deeply hurt by their comments and had to receive immediate psychological and medical treatment for this terrible act of mockery.

5) Jesus lied... Repeatedly! That's right, the only hippie religious activists will listen to happens to be wrong about when he is supposed to come back, but he knows everything, and is never wrong... He told the apostles that he would come back before they passed... Yea, I'm pretty sure they are all dead...

6) The idea of justice in an infinite punishment (Hell) for a finite crime (human life lasting less than eternity). Who in their right mind would do that? It's like me telling my kids I love them, but also as soon as they disobey me, lock them in a basement and torture them for the rest of their lives... Yea, that would be biblical morality...

7) The many contradictions in the Bible, such as the ways to "get saved" according to Jesus, versus Paul's ideas. Jesus stated that obeying the law, and accepting him as a savior is the only way. Paul stating that works will get you saved as mere acceptance of Jesus is only one of the requirements, oh and also, just obey the convenient laws, like don't accept the gays, and don't murder, you can totally eat shrimp and pork, cause Paul said so.

8) The obvious hypocrisy of God... Seriously, he stated that we should forgive everyone, no matter what, whether they apologize or not, or we will be sent to hell, because he is holy and will not stand idly while someone is unwilling to forgive, but go ahead and do something he doesn't like... Hell!!! No forgiveness, you do not pass go, immediately go to hell. Unless you ask Jesus for forgiveness... Double standards are apparently applied to perfect deities as well...

   So  there you have it, it is not a complete list, but as I am writing this at 3 in the morning is it kind of the main ideas.  Comment on why you would/would not worship the Christian God if you feel like it. Don't forget to like/+1/share if you enjoyed this post!