Saturday, September 26, 2015

Is Atheism The New Gay?

     I find it interesting that recently, a teenager was kicked from her home for not believing in a deity (One here, another here), and given the relative rise of acceptance of homosexuals by family members, I am trying to understand what is so revolting to those parents that they cannot bear the sight of their children, forcing them to live a life ostracized from what they know.  What makes belief in a deity a requirement to love your child? In the past, investigators have gone into "Christian boot camps" to investigate abuse (Example). While so many are about homosexuality, they are dwindling in numbers, with states banning sexual conversion therapy, I can't help but wonder if such camps exist for atheist children and teenagers.

     In Kidnapped for Christ, we see children and teenagers sent against their will in training camps where they are put back on the straight and narrow, their crime? Being different. Most were homosexual teenagers whose parents were horrified by their same sex attraction. We see it in the media today even, with the Kim Davis (or Can't do her job, whichever name you want to call her) controversy and her ever dwindling support from the majority of the population. The same people who are persecuting those who are different are playing the victim. How in the hell can't people see through that? In spite of the media rush, we see a rise in acceptance of the LGBTQ community. But what about Atheists?

     Well, according to recent polls, Atheists are still less trusted than child molesters. Yup, you read that right! as a matter of fact, we are the least trusted group in America (link here). But why the stigma? Simply because we don't believe in a deity? Are we considered immoral? Jaclyn Glenn posted an experiment on Youtube where she accepted donation for a Methodist organization, where plenty of people donated a dollar or two, and the next time, she collected for an atheist organization, where she was questioned on her motives and the few who donated were atheists and donated in the double digits. We are a generous moral bunch, but are somehow less trusted than child molester Josh Duggar. Stop America, you need to think, why are we treated with such disdain?

    I agree with the idea that Americans, and people in general, hate us because, much like the LGBT community, they are afraid they might be like us. Or even like us, because they are so insecure in their beliefs (sexuality for the homophobia) that they decide to hide behind hat, a seething pile of anger towards those who are different. It could also be because they are not taught to love, but rather to despise, and that, friends, is why religion is a danger to society in general. The very few who actually give two shits about other human beings tend to have been that way before they got religious. Let's face it, we own the moral high ground. I will conclude with a video from my favorite speech on reason, specifically about the idea of morality, it is Adam Savage at the reason rally:

Friday, September 4, 2015

Religious Freedom

    In the US, there seems to be some confusion about religious freedom as granted by the Constitution. Let me clarify some of what is not protected, not doing your job as a public official ; if your religion prevents you from performing your job, find another one which is more accommodating- Hate speech, if you want to spread that hate, go somewhere else- repercussions from civilian pushback, all too often you think private citizens are not allowed to disagree with you because religion... you're absolutely wrong, it prevents the government from interfering, unless you are interfering with the government (looking at you Kim Davis). Anyways... this is a quick jab at Ms Davis' supporters, I may be slightly inebriated, but I'm right!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Anti Intellectual Epidemic

     Now I understand that not everybody has the mental capacity to understand everything, I don't, but I at least try, and defer to those smarter than me in the subjects I lack knowledge in. I am only the authority in speaking for me, I pride myself in attempting to know as much as possible about as much as possible, but my human capacities do not allow me to know everything about everything, and that's okay. In today's society, we have cultivated a culture of ignorance, but I would add that it is willful. We spout words about things we do not understand, or have no data on, just to say them.

     I keep asking people who say they do not like the current President why they don't like him. It is absolutely depressing that the vast majority of them state that the economy is down (it is at a 10 year high), people lost their jobs (job creation hasn't been higher since the New Deal), and he is a Muslim (Worst.Muslim. Ever. as he eats pork, lights the White House Menorah, and, hell, gave the Iron Dome to Israel). People just follow talking points, not doing their research. When I point out the metrics, they fail to understand why I challenged their beliefs. Now, don't get me wrong, there is plenty this President has done wrong, but nothing huge, worthy of calling him the worst president in history (ummm worse than Nixon? than Grant?) whatever, man.

     Another pet peeve of mine, and I have been writing about this, is the absolute hatred some people have for higher education. If one gets a degree from a legitimate university, they are evil, and indoctrination centers for liberals. Facts do have a liberal bias, simple as that. I find it absolutely hilarious that those same people who criticize universities also tell people they should get a higher education to get a better job. Where, if not at a legitimate University?

     This is one of the few countries in the world where Evolution is being debated, The US is ranked 29th in the world, compared to our neighbor in the North, Canada being 10th. In 2014, the United States ranked 70th out of 132 nations in healthcare. 70th! But American Exceptionalism tells us we're number 1! No, let's get educated, raise these horrible metrics and become who we claim to be.