Thursday, September 3, 2015

The Anti Intellectual Epidemic

     Now I understand that not everybody has the mental capacity to understand everything, I don't, but I at least try, and defer to those smarter than me in the subjects I lack knowledge in. I am only the authority in speaking for me, I pride myself in attempting to know as much as possible about as much as possible, but my human capacities do not allow me to know everything about everything, and that's okay. In today's society, we have cultivated a culture of ignorance, but I would add that it is willful. We spout words about things we do not understand, or have no data on, just to say them.

     I keep asking people who say they do not like the current President why they don't like him. It is absolutely depressing that the vast majority of them state that the economy is down (it is at a 10 year high), people lost their jobs (job creation hasn't been higher since the New Deal), and he is a Muslim (Worst.Muslim. Ever. as he eats pork, lights the White House Menorah, and, hell, gave the Iron Dome to Israel). People just follow talking points, not doing their research. When I point out the metrics, they fail to understand why I challenged their beliefs. Now, don't get me wrong, there is plenty this President has done wrong, but nothing huge, worthy of calling him the worst president in history (ummm worse than Nixon? than Grant?) whatever, man.

     Another pet peeve of mine, and I have been writing about this, is the absolute hatred some people have for higher education. If one gets a degree from a legitimate university, they are evil, and indoctrination centers for liberals. Facts do have a liberal bias, simple as that. I find it absolutely hilarious that those same people who criticize universities also tell people they should get a higher education to get a better job. Where, if not at a legitimate University?

     This is one of the few countries in the world where Evolution is being debated, The US is ranked 29th in the world, compared to our neighbor in the North, Canada being 10th. In 2014, the United States ranked 70th out of 132 nations in healthcare. 70th! But American Exceptionalism tells us we're number 1! No, let's get educated, raise these horrible metrics and become who we claim to be.

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