Thursday, March 5, 2015

Political Fuckery

     So, lately, there has been a lot of talk about the Israeli Prime Minister benjamin Netanyahu's speech in a joint session of Congress. I am about to pose a relatively unpopular opinion, especially considering my family's religious background. Benjamin Netanyahu is, undoubtedly, one of the mose arrogant, warlords in the world, right now. He is the sad byproduct of an age old religious conflict in the Middle-East. His points, are even contradicted by a leaked Mossad cable, stating that Iran is not processing enriched Uranium in a way by which they cold possibly make bombs. A lot of people applauded the Prime Minister's appearance in front of Congress, even as it was a breach of protocol, as the Speaker of The House, who invited him, did not communicate with the White House regarding the invitation. On this point, if President Obama had done as Mr. "I want to wage war against anybody who disagrees with me" Netanyahu did, there would not only be an uproar in Israel, but even here in the United States. Prime Minister Bomb everything, ask questions later, made another mistake in his appearance. He bit the hand that feeds him. Over $100 Billion in aids, and 30% of Israel's National defense Budget. The right wing fuckers who want to cut 100% of Foreign Aid, also refuse to cut funding to Israel. Their rebuttal? Well Israel has our back. Let me tell you one thing, Israel's got nobody's back but Israel. Much like Iran's got nobody's back but Iran. 
     Let's talk about nuclear weaponry, seeing as it is Netanyahu's main concern. Israel's possess between 80 and 400 nuclear warheads. Iran? 0. Israel is also one of the few countries who refused to sign the non proliferation act, a traty that even Iran has signed. We all heard of the evils of the Gaza Strip, how the Muslims in Gaza are killing jews Mercilessly. The Muslim walled Gaza Strip, let us remember is the Size of Los Angeles County. Israel fired warning shots inside the strip, bombing heavily habitated civilian areas, giving only 30 minute warning for more death and destruction. 
     Go ahead, love on Israel, keep telling people that Netanyahu is a million times the leader President Obama is, when Obama resolved several potential nuclear conflicts without resorting to military force. Mr Netanyahu know nothing outside of war. In his speech, he ever so eloquently spoke of the Holocaust, appealing to people's emotions regarding the tragic period in history where millions of his Jewish brothers and sisters were mercilessly executed. However, most people failed to see that he called for the same thing to happen to the Arabs. The leader of Israel wants war, but he does not want to fight this war, he wants a country who already provides for Israel to also fight his war for him, and commit atrocities so that his hands may be clean,
     Lastly, I will cite the military and geopolitical genius that is Mr. Netanyahu. In 2002, The Israeli Prime Minister advised that weakening Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq would have tremendous beneficial effects in the Middle East, and weaken Iran's grasp on the region. Mr. Netanyahu is also the person who nudged the idea of WMDs being held in Iraq. Oddly enough, after a decade of war, and the death of Saddam Hussein, the Middle East is in worse shape than before, and Iran's control of the region? It has only expanded. So please, Mr. and Mrs. I will follow Israel, and believe every piece of Israeli propaganda, and everything that goes my way I see on the Internet, go ahead and follow the absurdity that is Mr. Netanyahu. His complete lack of decorum, and laughably pathetic attempts at any kind of an appeal show how little of a man he is. Anyone who agrees with him, and his words is far less human than my dogs.

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