Monday, April 13, 2015

On The State of American World Leadership

     There are many in America who think that war is the only answer to certain issues, and that anyone who doesn't agree, whether they are an individual or a sovereign nation, is weak. Because America is know for its absolute Victories in War. Indeed,with the United States ever growing debt, and a Defense Budget (not including discretionary spending) making up 22% of the Nation's expenses, it is easy to see the rational behind the lack of willingness to go to war against the United States. 

     But what about the different issues one can take against the notion of a War Mongering American Empire, as is seen throughout the Globe? The United States, is the only Nation with Military bases on Foreign soil, including allies, such as Italy, England, and Germany? Why is there such a need to occupy other nations? The reason is simple, America, as a culture, wants to preserve its status as a World Leader, and due to its lack of competitivenes in metrics that actually matter, such as Healthcare (31st), Education (36th), Ignorance of World Affairs (2nd), and the list goes on, America has to feel empowered, and so it bullies its allies, and rivals alike. Regarding the the issue of Education, it is no wonder the US is trailing, with the absolute idiocy of Standardized tests, every year, and extreme low pay for teachers, couple with the fact that Texas sets the standards for books, and just accepted a history book mentioning Moses (yea, the Burning Bush guy) as a Founding Father. But that is a complaint for another day. Anyways, the United States try to remain a World Power, and it cannot do it with Smarts, or Innovation, it does it by bullying other nations, furthering its debts, and accelerating its downfall. 

     The second point I want to make is that the nations which are considered weaks, (including most of Europe) are those who have the most to lose, as they are close to the areas of conflict, unlike the potential aggressor, America, whose shores are thousands of miles away from conflict. It seems those who hae not seen a warzone in a long time (since the Civil War) are also those willing to start wars all over. Granted, the opposite is also true, that those who see war on the daily (I'm looking at you Israel) want the entire World involve in their silly conflict, and their constant warmongering lifestyle. It is no wonder that the two consider each other to be their closest allies. 

     Last, but not least, we can easily see the lack of foresight used in matters of overseas conflicts in the United States. Everyone, except, it seems, the politicians who send the troops overseas, can see that there is an enormous issue with the treatment of veterans in the United States. You may give your legs for your country, but that doesn't mean that your country will repay the debt it owes you, as veterans can almost forget about healthcare, with a log backed up for several years, and no funds sent to help those who fought for their country, it truly is a wonder why people still enlist, as it seems that once you've served your purpose, you are discarded, and trated like a moocher for wanting the basic commodities you sacrificed your health for.

     It is sad, because America has the potential to be a World Leader, but its population seems dead set against doing things a different way. From resisting Education Reform, to Healthcare Reform, and even going so far as to be willing to set the clocks back a few decades on Human Rights. America, you used to be beautiful, but it seems you are wanting to institute a neofeudal system, and it is goign to cause you to fall further down in the world rankings. You military might may be strong now, but will dwindle as you fall further and further into debt. Your population needs to understand how bad things are on a World Level, as you are further down in education than some 3rd World Nations, and the same for Healthcare. You are no longer a leader in Scientific, and Technological advances, you only lead in two things, Marketing, and Military. These are not the qualities of the Future, but of a dark past we have left behind several centuries ago.

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