Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Happy Holidays

     This post is merely to wish any reader a happy holiday season. It is a season for joy and happiness, and fortunately, I am able to spend it with family, though I do feel for those who are unable to.  I see terrible things happening all around me, during the holidays especially, vicious attacks from the left and the right, politically, as well as socially. To those bigots who support Phil Robertson: GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! The man is obviously a religious bigot, or a troll. Many Youtubers have posted the hypocrisy in his statement. To those in any minority, be it racial, sexual, social, as well as others: keep on keeping on, it does get better friends, don't let those who fear change control who you are. You have allies such as reason, and logic; those who oppose you are on the wrong side of history, and just like everything else, it will just take some time for good things to happen.
     I understand the concept of respecting ideas opposing our own as it is the very driving factor of progress. Without opposition, there is complacency, and in that state, there is no progress. Our side is about peace, their side is about separation. This season is supposed to be about charity and family; those who oppose us seek to destroy both, only providing charity in order to gain something (tax break, followers which lead to a return investment in tithes and offering, social bragging rights). We all have something in our lives we have to struggle with; some can find comfort in their family, but others who cannot, no matter what happens, no matter what the issue is, those people you chose as close allies are your family, not those who judge you for who you are, not those who only come to you when they need something. There is nothing stronger than the bond shared between individuals who help each other in their struggles.
     Anyways, this may be a little corny, but to those who struggle in their lives about who they are, or what they are, hell those who fear they will be abandoned because of features that are core to their very being: If people don't accept you for who you are, family or not, those people are not worthy of knowing you, not worthy of being given the time of day, and most importantly, not worthy of you losing parts of yourself over. They are the problem with society, not you!

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