Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Venting--- Caution this will involve an incredible amount of foul language...

     So this is somewhat of a continuation of my last blog on stupid crazy shit I am tired of hearing, namely questions. I must obviously go to the argument I repeatedly make regarding the second amendment. For the record, let it be known that I am not, by any stretch of the imagination anti guns, though the argument made against gun control is always the same: The founding fathers wrote the second amendment so that, should the people need to rise against their government through violence, they should be able to do so... here is my typical response: You can have all the assault rifles you want... what in the fuck is it going to do against an f-18 Hornet, or a fully equipped tank? Not a goddamn thing... now if you want to possess a gun because you enjoy it, or for protection against whatever potential danger you might encounter, the more power to you and may you have it to enjoy or rely on in your time of need. But be fucking honest with yourself and with the rest of us. Your pea shooter isn't going to protect your civil liberties; it sure as hell isn't going to protect you against tyranny.
     Secondly, what is it with all the fucking falsehoods propagated by the Church about how the Bible isn't allowed in schools, about how prayer is illegal? Those fucktards propagate the idea that the government is anti-Christian... yea that's fucking great, except that your religion has no less rights than any other. Do not mistake the idea of a government waging war on a religion with the government not letting you dictate what others should do. Last time I checked (and there may have been yet another translation of the Bible which contradicts this statement), your holy text, the book that you claim to follow, obviously condemns liars, of any kind... and guess what, that includes jokes, that includes any falsehood propagated through your writing, art, voice, and expression of any form. Here is what the government banned regarding the christian faith in schools: TEACHERS (you know, those guys that apparently are supposed to raise your kids for you) CANNOT mandate prayer or scriptures in the schools as representatives of the secular government... STUDENTS may (and quite often do) initiate prayer groups, Bible study sessions etc... The fucking government isn't out to get you, it just doesn't allow you to indoctrinate kids on their dime. How the fuck would you feel if teachers were to tell your kids to pray 5 times a day facing Mecca, or to observe Ramadan? Yes, I thought so, you'd raise hell and cite the fucking first amendment... Where is that same text when it comes to YOU infringing on others' liberties? How about you shut the fuck up and be a fucking honest member of society?
     Third, how in the fuck are you actually claiming to be a religion based on love? "God loves you soooo much that if you don't love him back he will send you to a special place of torture for all eternity!" Yea how about an infinite punishment for a finite crime to define perfect justice? Hitchens, one of the great writers of the 20th/21st century said, and I cite: "Most religions now come before us with ingratiating smirks and outspread hands, like an unctuous merchant in a bazaar. They offer consolation and solidarity and uplift, competing as they do in the marketplace. But we have a right to remember how barbarically they behave when they were strong and were making an offer that people could not refuse." These words resonate in me; they express what I think about religions. Indeed, now that secularism is on the rise, religious people tend to come at us, not through accusation (though some of them still do and are repeatedly made fun of), but rather attempt to lure us with (poorly composed) music, (badly written) texts, and (horribly executed) promises of love and completion. Though in times when it had power, and in places where it still does, religion infringes on basic human rights. For Americans who read this blog, the Declaration of Independence, while not a legal document, is still a very influential text revealing the intent of the founding fathers for this nation, telling us that every man is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. What makes me happy is the truth, not the delusion of an imaginary friend, be it a bearded sky-daddy, or a fucking fairy riding a dragon, and wielding an elemental rod of shitstorming...
     Lastly, for this entry, I am sick  and fucking tired of religious people's logical fallacies, especially post hoc ergo propter hoc. For those not versed in debating terms, or Latin, this fallacy is simply: This happened after this, therefore the latter happened because of the former. In other words: You were misdiagnosed and do not have cancer, I prayed after the original diagnostic and God must've healed you. NO! This is not how it fucking works. First, you have to determine causation. If I were to say that Bob, in London will eat lunch tomorrow, and some dude named Bob eats lunch tomorrow in London, this does not make me a fucking prophet. Or stating that we live in the fucking end times because the Bible fucking states that in the end times there will be wars and rumors of war... guess the fuck what, as long as people have lived in factions (probably before we had acquired our recent cognitive skills) there were wars and rumors of wars in our bands, over control of resources. Or the infamous Bible Code where by looking at different letter intervals in the original language, we can find shit that happened in the past; do you know what that proves? The Bible contains a lot of characters recognized as letters. I find it interesting that those fucking messages and prophecies are only found out after the fact by fucktards who are looking for those particular items.
     Anyways, I am getting tired of shit from religious douchefucks, now I am not saying that everyone of them is a douchefuck... but I will state that every follower of a religion, any religion, is seriously mislead. I consider myself a seeker of truth, whether it is convenient or not. Life is not about convenience, it is about facts. The distortion of those facts by unscrupulous social rejects who vow to control those who rejected them by interpreting a doctrine created by goat fuckers in the bronze age in order to fuck women and profit from their neighbors is sickening to me and will be met with not only resistance, but counter attacks.

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