Tuesday, April 30, 2013

On College Life

     The interesting part about college, and I'm not just saying this, is that perception of any failings has an effect on our ability to take tests. The more worried we are about failing, the more likely we are to epically forget everything we knew about the subject, no amount of studying actually matters in the end results if we worry. Our fear are merely projected onto the exam. My answer to all this, and it by no means suggests that studying doesn't work, is that we should not worry about grades and simply think of learning, an exam is only the presentation of what we have learned in a particular class. College life can be very fulfilling if done for the right reason, we, as students, and even professor, must ask ourselves what we are doing this for, is it to better ourselves in our own intellect? To acquire the skills to better our lives? Our community? Or is it merely to get a job, or perform one? When we learn something, when we teach something, we always take something away that betters our understanding of the world around us, and by sharing this information we are perpetuating the passing of knowledge to better the lives of those who will live after us.
     Many believers in several religions ask why non believers have hope, if this life is the only one we have. I find the answer to be so simple and cliché, that most people overlook it. Many non believers are passionate about something, for me, that thing is the passing of knowledge in order to better our world, the understanding and compassion needed to transcend belief, the kind of understanding and tolerence that would create a better world, where we, as human beings, with all our flaws, all our... pride, and arrogance, and hatred, and bigotry... can put our differences aside and let those around us live their lives the way they intend to do it, be it with religion, being gay, polyamorous, bisexual, so long as no harm comes to another as a result of our actions, who cares and why should people care whether I believe or not, so long as I live my life as ME and not some overzealous shell of who I am in order to please others, or a so-called higher being? My fight with religion is not about the beliefs, it is about the judgment that those beliefs bring, about the bigotry and hatred that it typically calls for. I know this sounds very idealistic and very naive, and while it may not happen in my lifetime, I do hope that mankind, one day, realizes all that it could accomplish under the banner of progress and tolerance.